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*subject to changes and updates
For music program tuition rates click here
Annual Registration: $40 if by Nov. 1; $55 after Nov. 1
Mommy/Daddy & Me: $78/Month
45 Minute Class: $78/month (Tap, Jazz, Contemporary 3, Hip Hop)
1 Hour Class: $92/month (PreBallet, Ballet 1-2, Contemporary 4-8)
1 Hour and 15 Min or Longer Class: $95/month (Ballet 3-8)
1 Hour and 45 Min: $104/month (Ballet 5a w/ PrePointe)
2 Hours: $112/month (Ballet 5a w/PrePointe)
Multiple Dance Class Discounts
- 2nd Class 15% off
- 3rd Class 25% off
- 4th Class 40% off
- 5th Class 55% off
- 5th Class 55% off
- 6th Class 75% off
- 7th Class 85% off
Unlimited Dance Classes per student including pointe: $370/month
Pointe Classes (Cost is in addition to above rates, 2 ballet classes required, approval from instructor required):
-1st Pointe class: $25/month
-2nd Pointe class 20% off: +$20/month
-3rd Pointe class 40%: +$15/month
PrePointe Class rates are packaged with the ballet class attached to it
Multiple Sibling Discounts (Applies to dance classes only)
-Second Child 20% Off
-Third Child 40% Off
Adult Dance Class (18+ yrs old): $24/class
Adult Class Card (18+ yrs old): $120 (includes 6 classes on a card)
Alumni and Professional Rate: $15/class
Private Dance Lesson (Student Rate)
$TBA - 30 minutes
$TBA - 1 hour
Tuition is due the 1st of every month to complete yearly balance through mid-June.
Tuition is non-refundable.
Families will be required to sign up for Auto Pay for tuition processing.
Two days before the first of every month tuition will automatically be charged to the credit card provided upon registering (Visa, MC, Amex, Discover, AMEX)
All families will receive their bills prior to their due date via their primary email address provided. If not paid by the 10th day there will be a $10 late fee.
If a class is missed due to an illness, holiday or snow closing, students or parents must call in the absence to the office and schedule a make up class.
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